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Generic client

A generic OAuth2 class is provided to adapt to any OAuth2-compliant service. You can instantiate it like this:

from httpx_oauth.oauth2 import OAuth2

client = OAuth2(

Note that refresh_token_endpoint and revoke_token_endpoint are optional since not every services propose to refresh and revoke tokens.

Available methods


Returns the authorization URL where you should redirect the user to ask for their approval.


  • redirect_uri: str: Your callback URI where the user will be redirected after the service prompt.
  • state: str = None: Optional string that will be returned back in the callback parameters to allow you to retrieve state information.
  • scope: Optional[List[str]] = None: Optional list of scopes to ask for.
  • code_challenge: Optional[str] = None: Optional code_challenge in a PKCE context.
  • code_challenge_method: Optional[Literal["plain", "S256"]] = None: Optional code_challenge_method in a PKCE context.
  • extras_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None: Optional dictionary containing parameters specific to the service.


authorization_url = await client.get_authorization_url(
    "", scope=["SCOPE1", "SCOPE2", "SCOPE3"],


Returns an OAuth2Token object for the service given the authorization code passed in the redirection callback.

Raises a GetAccessTokenError if an error occurs.


  • code: str: The authorization code passed in the redirection callback.
  • redirect_uri: str: The exact same redirect_uri you passed to the authorization URL.
  • code_verifier: Optional[str]: Optional code verifier in a PKCE context.


access_token = await client.get_access_token("CODE", "")


Returns a fresh OAuth2Token object for the service given a refresh token.

Raises a RefreshTokenNotSupportedError if no refresh_token_endpoint was provided.


  • refresh_token: str: A valid refresh token for the service.


access_token = await client.refresh_token("REFRESH_TOKEN")


Revokes a token.

Raises a RevokeTokenNotSupportedError if no revoke_token_endpoint was provided.


  • token: str: A token or refresh token to revoke.
  • token_type_hint: str = None: Optional hint for the service to help it determine if it's a token or refresh token. Usually either token or refresh_token.


await client.revoke_token("TOKEN")


Returns the id and the email (if available) of the authenticated user from the API provider. It assumes you have asked for the required scopes.

Raises a GetIdEmailError if an error occurs.


  • token: str: A valid access token.


user_id, user_email = await client.get_id_email("TOKEN")

OAuth2Token class

This class is a wrapper around a standard Dict[str, Any] that bears the response of get_access_token. Properties can vary greatly from a service to another but, usually, you can get access token like this:

access_token = token["access_token"]


A utility method is provided to quickly determine if the token is still valid or needs to be refreshed.


if token.is_expired():
    token = await client.refresh_token(token["refresh_token"])
    # Save token to DB

access_token = token["access_token"]
# Do something useful with this access token

Provided clients

We provide several ready-to-use clients for widely used services with configured endpoints and specificites took into account.


Generic client for providers following the OpenID Connect protocol. Besides the Client ID and the Client Secret, you'll have to provide the OpenID configuration endpoint, allowing the client to discover the required endpoints automatically. By convention, it's usually served under the path .well-known/openid-configuration.

from httpx_oauth.clients.openid import OpenID

client = OpenID("CLIENT_ID", "CLIENT_SECRET", "")
  • refresh_token: depends if the OpenID provider supports it
  • revoke_token: depends if the OpenID provider supports it


from httpx_oauth.clients.discord import DiscordOAuth2

client = DiscordOAuth2("CLIENT_ID", "CLIENT_SECRET")
  • refresh_token
  • revoke_token

Warning about get_id_email

Email is optional for Discord accounts, so the email might be None.


from httpx_oauth.clients.facebook import FacebookOAuth2

client = FacebookOAuth2("CLIENT_ID", "CLIENT_SECRET")
  • refresh_token
  • revoke_token


Returns an OAuth2Token object with a long-lived access token given a short-lived access token.

Raises a GetLongLivedAccessTokenError if an error occurs.


  • token: str: A short-lived access token given by get_access_token.


long_lived_access_token = await client.get_long_lived_access_token("TOKEN")


from httpx_oauth.clients.github import GitHubOAuth2

client = GitHubOAuth2("CLIENT_ID", "CLIENT_SECRET")
  • refresh_token
  • revoke_token


You should enable Email addresses permission in the Permissions & events section of your GitHub app parameters. You can find it at{YOUR_APP}/permissions.

Refresh tokens are not enabled by default

Refresh tokens are currently an optional feature you need to enable in your GitHub app parameters. Read more.


from import GoogleOAuth2

client = GoogleOAuth2("CLIENT_ID", "CLIENT_SECRET")
  • refresh_token
  • revoke_token


from httpx_oauth.clients.kakao import KakaoOAuth2

client = KakaoOAuth2("CLIENT_ID", "CLIENT_SECRET")
  • refresh_token
  • revoke_token


from httpx_oauth.clients.linkedin import LinkedInOAuth2

client = LinkedInOAuth2("CLIENT_ID", "CLIENT_SECRET")
from httpx_oauth.clients.naver import NaverOAuth2

client = NaverOAuth2("CLIENT_ID", "CLIENT_SECRET")
  • refresh_token
  • revoke_token


Based on the OpenID client. You need to provide the domain of your Okta domain for automatically discovering the required endpoints.

from httpx_oauth.clients.okta import OktaOAuth2

client = OktaOAuth2("CLIENT_ID", "CLIENT_SECRET", "")
  • refresh_token
  • revoke_token


from httpx_oauth.clients.reddit import RedditOAuth2

client = RedditOAuth2("CLIENT_ID", "CLIENT_SECRET")
  • refresh_token
  • revoke_token

Warning about get_id_email

Reddit API never return email addresses. Thus, e-mail will always be None.


from httpx_oauth.clients.franceconnect import FranceConnectOAuth2

client = FranceConnectOAuth2("CLIENT_ID", "CLIENT_SECRET")
  • refresh_token
  • revoke_token

Integration server

Since you need to go through a heavy validation process before getting your client ID and secret, you can use during development the integration server with demo credentials. You can enable this mode by setting the integration flag to True.

from httpx_oauth.clients.franceconnect import FranceConnectOAuth2

client = FranceConnectOAuth2("CLIENT_ID", "CLIENT_SECRET", integration=True)


The OAuth2 client for Shopify allows you to authenticate shop owners so your app can make calls to the Shopify Admin API. Besides the Client ID and Secret, you'll need the shop subdomain of the shop you need to access.

from httpx_oauth.clients.shopify import ShopifyOAuth2

client = ShopifyOAuth2("CLIENT_ID", "CLIENT_SECRET", "my-shop")
  • refresh_token
  • revoke_token

get_id_email is based on the Shop resource

The implementation of get_id_email calls the Get Shop endpoint of the Shopify Admin API. It means that it'll return you the ID of the shop and the email of the shop owner.

Customize HTTPX client

By default, requests are made using httpx.AsyncClient with default parameters. If you wish to customize settings, like setting timeout or proxies, you can do this by overloading the get_httpx_client method.

from typing import AsyncContextManager

import httpx
from httpx_oauth.oauth2 import OAuth2

class OAuth2CustomTimeout(OAuth2):
    def get_httpx_client(self) -> AsyncContextManager[httpx.AsyncClient]:
        return httpx.AsyncClient(timeout=10.0)  # Use a default 10s timeout everywhere.

client = OAuth2CustomTimeout(